Sunday, July 23, 2006

One Year

Today is the one year anniversary of the Pete Sam Memories blog. These have been the three hardest things that I have found with blogging about everyday family life:

1. Keeping it interesting - This is far and away the biggest challenge, and it is certain that at times this blog has failed miserably in this regard. Anyone who has tried reading family blogs knows that they can often be insufferably boring. Hopefully this blog has presented original perspectives as much as possible.

2. Pictures - It has become clear that it is more difficult to capture interest or explain a scene without a picture. This is why you have seen more pictures with posts as the year has gone along. This makes things a little more difficult from the posting perspective, but maybe that is offset by the time saved in the less descriptive writing that is required when a photo is available.

3. Capturing Ideas - There are so many things each day that either you forget about, or just don't translate well into a blog. Oh well, that is just something you have to come to accept.

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