Monday, March 27, 2006

Spelling Bee - Year 1

Pete and I had fun at the Loudoun County spelling bee on Thursday night. This was one of the regional bees that determines who gets to represent Loudoun county in the National spelling bee in May. There were 193 contestants.

It was scheduled to start at 7:00. We got there at 7:00. The speakers started at 7:10, and droned on for about 20 minutes. The spelling started around 7:30. Pete was very patient. We were sitting in the last row. We stayed for the whole first round, which was 193 words. We spelled 191 of them correctly. I would write the word and hand it to Pete, and then he would watch to see if they got it correct. The kids did a good job - about 140 made it to the next round. We had to leave though, because it was a school night and already past bedtime.

Some of the words that Pete knew how to spell were penalty, buffalo, and annual. We still have 5 years to practice before his first year of eligibility.

We did a mini spelling bee at the house on Saturday. The contestants were Pete, cousins Ashleigh and Sarah, and their friend Taylor. Also, Sam was a contestant but he just had to say the word to go to the next round.

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