Sunday, March 19, 2006

Mystery of the Locked Door

Sam may have a future career as a locksmith or ghost. A few times it has been unclear how he gained access to the hallway despite a door locked from the outside. It's like one of those murder mysteries where no one had access to the room where they find the body.

The situation arose once again when we had a babysitter Saturday night. This was an excerpt from the conversation when we returned:

Me: "Did you lock the door to Sam's room, per the instructions?"
Babysitter: "I tried, but somehow he got out"

I like the "somehow" part. It evokes visions of Sam in there, opening a secret diaper to unveil a secret stash of little lockpicking tools. Possibly a baby wipe for his brow so he doesn't get any sweat on the tools.

1 comment:

shoshanamom said...

is there a way to open it from the inside, and maybe he figured it out? maybe he observed you doing it and learned that way? maybe put his baby monitor in there or run the video camera and see how he does it.
there is a character he reminds me of. in the 1st artemis fowl book there is a dwarf named Mulch who is an expert lock picker and he can unlock anything. he can also dig tunnels and is an expert thief. LOL