Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Don't Say These Words

Top 10 Words You Can't Say When Sam is Around

10. Outside
9. Doodlebops
8. Mega Man
7. Downstairs
6. Candy
5. Leopard seat
4. Binky
3. Crash
2. Gazebo
1. Nunchucks

The reason you cannot say any of these words is that he will want to immediately stop whatever he is doing (such as eating dinner) and do the thing that you said.


The Orlowski Family said...

What is the leopard seat?

Cathy said...

Ditto on Stacey's question and what is doodlebops? OMG, I don't know if I can remember all those words! Of course, I can always say them and then tell Sam that daddy and mommy will do them with him! Can't wait to see you all next month. Lots of love and kisses.

BrianM said...

Nunchucks? This is not a good thing.

The Orlowski Family said...

So the leopard seat is being left with me right?