Monday, August 08, 2016

Family Schism Day 4

Dad picked up Pete after band camp and they continued the sofa adventure. They went to Home Depot to rent a truck, which Dad drove over to Gala Circle. They loaded up the couch and drove it to the house. Mr. Cary helped a little bit with getting the sofa into the foyer. Dad declared that it may be too big to get up the stairs or into Pete’s room. Pete declared that there is a 100% chance they will get it into his room. They decided to rest up and postpone any further efforts until Mom and Sam return from Myrtle Beach tomorrow night. They spent the rest of the night on the couch in the family room watching the Rio Summer Olympics and working on Modules 11 and 12 of Pete’s summer Econ class (until Pete remember that he wanted to play Roblox). 

Meanwhile, down South, Sam walked the boardwalk playing pokemon go while mom sat on the beach. It was extremely hot - mom gave Sam $10 and he bought himself a slice of pizza, coke, and ice cream. They had Nana’s ribs for dinner, and then played 3 games of Pickleball. Sam got in lots of time cuddling with Shadow on his final day of vacation.

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