Monday, May 30, 2011

More Memories from Woodloch

More memories from Spring Break at Woodloch

We created a "sign-out" sheet in the room, so we could keep track of where everyone was. Notice what Sam's favorite place was:

Also notice the occasion where he decided to "wander". Toward the end of the week, he had a little symbol that he would draw for Bunker, to save time. Also, when Sam got home to Ashburn, he created a "Bunker" sign and taped it to the door going down to the basement.

Pete and Sam always had empathy for the less popular characters, and took their picture with them to cheer them up:

Dinner in the Main Dining Room:


Hanging in the Room:

The Amazing Race:

1 comment:

Betty Aarcher said...

Great every day life pictures, thanks. Betty