Friday, September 10, 2010

First Day of School 2010

Pete and Sam are back in school. Pete has Mrs. Robin Lafrankie for 5th grade, and Sam has Mrs. Kathy Rather for 1st grade.

The bus actually came less late this year on the first day. The official pick-up time is 7:34, so at around 7:35 Pete/Sam/Mom/Dad started the walk down the street. The fact that about 60 people were already at the stop was not a concern. The bus actually came about 2-3 minutes after Pete and Sam arrived at the waiting area at 7:40. It was on the wrong side of the street, but close enough. Of course, Pete gets to sit in the last 2 seats because he's a 5th grader.

Sam is a full day student this year, so he will have to figure out something he likes to eat for lunch. Apparently he has already figured out how to use the ice cream token.

Sam is more excited than Pete used to be about taking Spanish. Here is the conversation when Dad arrived home from work after the first day of school:

Dad: Hi Sam, I'm home.
Sam: What time is it?
Dad: About 6:30pm
Sam: Buenas Noches

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