Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Car Land

Car Land is one of the greatest games ever. It was invented one Saturday by Pete, Sam, and Dad. Here are the instructions for playing car land:

1. Cut out the letter "R" from construction paper
2. Take out the game Candy Land
3. Tape the letter "R" over the letters "ndy" on the game board
4. Get a pile of about 30 matchbox cars
5. Cut out 10 small squares of construction paper in each person's favorite color
6. Conduct a draft in which each person, taking turns, selects 10 of the 30 cars. Cars should be selected for maximum stability.
7. Each player tapes his color square to the top of each car on his team
8. Each player places his 10 cars on the game board (preferably on their colored squares, but not required)

The game board should look similar to this prior to starting the game, except there should be more cars and the cars should just about cover the entire board:

9. Players take turns. On his turn, each player drops or smashes a basketball on to the game board.
10. Remove from the game any cars that did not remain upright (i.e. flipped over)
11. After each round, move all cars back to the center of the game board
12. Last player with a car left wins, or player with the most cars left after 10 rounds

Pickle joined the game and played on Pete's team. Below is a picture taken during the game:

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