Last night was another jewelry party at our house, so the boys went bowling and to Pizza Hut.
This was not the plan. Surely Dad had worked out some other elaborate plan involving going to a wholesome museum and maybe a picnic in the park.
Dad: "ok guys, tonight we are going to-"
Pete: "Bowling!"
Sam "And Pizza Hut!"
Dad: "uh, I guess so"
Pete bowled exactly 100. He had 73 after 7 frames, including 2 spares, and we realized that he needed to average 9 per frame to get 100. The last 3 frames he got 9, 9, and 9. Sam has two techniques: 1/2/3/throw and run/run/throw.
By the way, if all of this sounds fun and you are thinking about going bowling with us next time, let it be known that twice Pete's bowling motion resulted in a ball hurtling towards dad who was minding his own business at the little scoring table.
Using a rather simple method of projection, Pete will bowl 300 before age 21. Maybe Sam will do the same, using his own approach.
Maybe next time, helmets should be included in the attire. Joey has done the same thing a couple of times. How come when you see it on tv it's always funnier?? By the way....Happy Father's Day, Mike!
Love to all! Aunt Cath
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