Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Hair Hair Everywhere

Do you remember the poem about "Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take the Garbage Out"? Well, replace Sarah with Pete, and replace garbage with "get his hair cut".

Here is a picture of Pete from about a week ago:

Here is my computerized projection of what he will look like by Friday:

We've been trying to explain to him how dreadfully long and messy his hair is getting. But he always twists it around to not be a big deal. Example:

Me: Did your cousins tease you about your long hair when you saw them last weekend?
Pete: No, in fact they only asked me one question about it.
Me: Oh. What question was that?
Pete: They just wanted to know how many months ago was the last time I had it cut.


Cathy said...

Better he look like Charlie Bucket than an Oompa Loompa! Tell him he's lucky his Uncle Bart doesn't live close by.....he'd be calling him "Sissy Mary".

Anonymous said...

Hair is one way of expressing individuality and one of the first ways a child finds to frustate and annoy his parents. Tell him to keep it clean and neat and you won't laugh to hard when his relatives call him Sissy Mary!