Monday, February 12, 2007

Spelling Practice

Over the weekend, we did some spelling practice at the dinner table. I printed out a list of the all-time most popular tags on Flickr, and Pete and Sam would take turns with a word. On your turn, you need to spell your word and then give a definition (without using the word in the definition). I was pleased that Pete knows how to spell words like Chicago and landscape. Sam did not fare as well.

Me: "Sam, your word is car"
Sam: "b-e-q-u-p-l"
Pete: "Well, at least he did u after q"

Then Pete gave me a word to try:

Pete: "Your word is San Francisco"
Me: "San Francisco. A large, coastal city in Northern California where the 49ers play football."
Pete: "Pretty good. Except you used the word in the definition."

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