Sunday, December 20, 2015

Philly Holiday Vacation - Day 1

Everyone piled into the car by 10am for the drive up to Philadelphia. Lunch worked out nicely at the Friendly’s in Newark, as they finished their ice cream just before the table for 20 next to them was ordering. They greeted grandma and grandpa in the early afternoon. Since Grandma always calls Dad "Michael Michael Motorcycle", they tried greeting her with "Sandy Sandy Fine and Dandy", "Sandy Sandy Summer Shandy", 
and "Sandy Sandy Flask o' Brandy", although after all that work she didn't seem to really hear any of it.

Pete helped grandma get a bunch of junk out of the trunk of her car. Dad walked down to the pickleball courts with Sam, grandpa, and grandma, but they couldn’t play any pickleball since grandpa forgot the key and it was getting dark. Grandma also forgot to get the “brisket” she was going to cook for dinner, so they went to Longhorn over by Neshaminy Mall. After dinner, Dad and Pete helped grandpa set up his Xfinity wi-fi and get his scanner working. Pete and Sam slept downstairs, but due to the mold issue Pete was not feeling very well in the morning.

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