I've separated our medical records into two folders - the folder after April 2007 will be labeled "A.T." (After Trampoline).

If my eyes look tired lately, it is a combination of allergies and lying awake at night thinking about these quotes from The Simpsons episode "Bart's Inner Child":

If my eyes look tired lately, it is a combination of allergies and lying awake at night thinking about these quotes from The Simpsons episode "Bart's Inner Child":
"Kids, kids: once you get hurt, move aside and let other people jump"
"Stop jumping on me! I'm hurt."
"Stop jumping on me! I'm hurt."
"Yeah, I'm ok. Just pop my shoulder back in"
"I told you this was a bad idea"
"Checkmate, Mr. Trampoline"
"All right, all right...you win for now. But someday you'll rust!"
"Hey, no more trampoline. Let's jump on the car instead!"
"Each leap brings us closer to God.""
"Checkmate, Mr. Trampoline"
"All right, all right...you win for now. But someday you'll rust!"
"Hey, no more trampoline. Let's jump on the car instead!"
"Each leap brings us closer to God.""
You might be able to dodge some of those if there's only one on the trampoline at a time. Boring for the kids but it might save you some gray hairs.....
WOW! Looks like fun.
Traditional style trampolines certainly are dangerous and responsible for far too many hospital admission around the world each year. The Springfree Trampoline is statistically proven to be 99% safe as opposed to traditional style trampolines which are 99% unsafe! Check out www.springfreetrampoline.com to see for yourself. You'll never need to file another trampoline related medical report again!
Jared Bennett
Marketing Coordinator
Springfree trampoline
They don't look scared, do they!?
In spite of the fact that the first name I saw on "that" website was Karen Cockburn, that website seems legitimate and I am pasting a quote here: World Champion RECOMMENDATION
Two-time world champion and Olympic trampolinist, Karen Cockburn, supports Springfree™ Trampoline as the safest backyard tramp.
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